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Republic Day Celebration - 26 January 2019

On 26th January, we celebrated 70th Republic Day. It is an occasion to celebrate what is common to us all, our Indian-ness. It was on this day in 1950 that this sacred essence of us all assumed a formal shape. That day, India was established as the largest democratic republic, and 'we the people put into effect a Constitution that is an inspired document of our collective vision. The diversity and vibrancy of our democracy are appreciated worldwide. It is this spirit of unity and of being one nation that is celebrated every year as Republic Day. On this occasion, we organized a dance competition for school children. The theme for this program is to showcase the spirit of unity. The dance program was choreographed by Priyanka Sharma. We conducted a parade to spread awareness about environmental degradation. The parade is led by Ms. Shakira Bano.

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Global Environmental Peace Campaign
“The Earth is what we all have in common.” — Wendell Berry

Global Environmental Peace Campaign believes in the vision of an integrated and harmonious society working together to ensure a sustainable environment for the future. We aim to demonstrate and inspire fellow humans to practice peace in action for ecological harmony and environmental security. This campaign is launched at the 150th birth anniversary of Rashtrapita Mahatma Gandhi by five Delhi-based organization (Integrated Volunteers Network, Diversified Intervention for Youth Awareness, OSCAR, Project 100, Global Youth Peace Committee).

Peace March

On the 23rd of February, 2020, violence broke out in the North East region of Delhi that escalated over time. Section 144 of CrPC has been imposed on 10 locations in North East Delhi by the Administration. As a result of the violence, 51 persons lost their lives, and over 250 injured. A group of peace-loving volunteers & organizations from Delhi worked towards Rebuilding Peace & Harmony with Gandhian Humanitarian perspective in the affected areas of Delhi with Volunteer4Peace. They assess the aftermath of the Delhi Violence through a transit walk and rapid assessment tool targeting the violence-affected Families and community.

Peace Massage
“Let’s march together, towards global peace”

Global Peace message is an initiative to circulate global views on Peace across India and the world. A Global campaign to celebrate this New year together with peace commitments. This program is launched to collect 2020 messages from across the world. It is Joining leading peace lovers and local knowledge experts. Help build more effective peaceful governance and policy, reduce conflict and ensure security from local to global levels.

Global Bubble Parade

History has always been shaped by the power of youth. The future of any nation is in the hands of the youth. Our Voix & Global Youth Peace Committee understands the power of youth and would like to give a huge shoutout to our youth partners for the comic book launch event ‘Know Your Rights’, Global Youth Peace Committee which aims for peaceful sustainable development for all. Join us at St Columba’s School, New Delhi from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. on the 10th of August. At Global Bubble Parade, we put on our feather caps, painted our faces and sent across a message of fighting against the demon of child abuse. This lead to an organic formation of a community of change-makers and silence-breakers. We stand in solidarity and we stand strong.

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