On the fourth foundation day Of the Global Youth Peace Committee 15 March 2023. Organizing "Chaupal Program" Promoting quality education and Civic Space towards a sustainable nation.
The Global Youth Peace Committee are going to invite young achievers, Social thinker, CSOs, NGOs, and Volunteers where “dialogues are transformed into engagements” to present the “Chaupal Program”, a series of thought exchange session with sustainable Nation with youth impact ‘Think tank’ of India as well as the role of youth in the development of a nation.
The session aims to provide attendees with insights and inspiration from successful Social thinkers and encourage them to consider the ways in which they can contribute to the development of their country. The focus would be on discussing various strategies, challenges, and opportunities, which the young and dynamic leader may face in the journey and how to overcome them. It will feature keynote speeches, a fireside chat, and networking opportunities.
Chaupal is a traditional way of organizing meetings in India. It provides a democratic environment for people to discuss relevant topics. As Chaupal remains a relevant forum for knowledge sharing, C20 Chaupal would be doing consultation meetings with 20-30 NGOs, to include them in the C20 process. Each Chaupal will discuss a working theme during its three to four hours long meetings. It will take the idea of C20 to different cities in India, and serve as a potential best practice for global application.

On the 4th foundation day of the Global youth peace committee, Gypc organized *CHAUPAL PROGRAM*. The theme of the program was based on Promoting Quality Education & Civic Space toward a sustainable nation. It was organized under the leadership of Mr. BrajShrivastav, chairman of Gypc on 15 March 2023 (Wednesday) at Lotus Temple, seminar hall, New Delhi. Mr. Anmolsovit, chairman of Y20 India 2023 graced the program as the chief guest. The program was attended by many change-makers, young achievers, social thinkers, CSOs, NGOs, and volunteers across the country.
The program was started with a short prayer by Lotus Temple. Then the program was continued by the anchor (Samikshashrivastav). Firstly, a video was presented in front of the audience in which the 4 years journey of GYPC showed. Then the chairman of GYPC Mr.Brajshrivastav came on stage and thanked everyone who was present in the meeting and also paid his gratitude towards the helping hands which were there whenever in need during this long-drawn journey of 4 years. He told us about the event and why the event was being held and its main motive and also gave us a glimpse into how the GYPC as an NGO developed over these 4 years.
After his speech, Ms. DeepikaMayanglambam came on stage and spoke about “PEACE & WELLBEING” by highlighting the importance of practicing kindness and understanding humanity for the secure well-being of all in society. She further quotes Dalai Lama and Mahatma Gandhi while explaining the same and how can we make society protect a person's dignity, and integrity to lead a better life. She also elaborates on the importance of well-being and what it stands for and how can well-being for society can be done. She concluded on the note is youth can be the only driving factor in making this world a better place.
After that, Miss MonikaIngudam (one of the founding members of GYPC) introduced Dr. Ranbir Singh Laishram (Bollywood action choreographer) and told us about his achievements and how he is working in the martial arts sector. Then there was a small performance by Mr. Ranbirsingh in which he performed martial arts.
Then the program continued with the speech Of Ms. Carmel M. Tripathi (Director, public information, Bahai’shouse, Lotus Temple). Mrs. Carmel Tripathi first of all thanked Mr. BrajShrivastav and his team for their contribution toward society and gave us a brief on how the Baha'i house of worship functions for the unity of all. She also shared the views of the Baha'i house on the topic of peace, she further elaborated on the importance of peace and how it can be maintained, and how gender equality is one of the prerequisites for maintaining peace in the society. After her speech, Mr. Brajshrivastav (chairman of GYPC) came on stage and felicitated Tripathi ma’am.

After that, the anchor of the program invited Mr.Devendra Kumar (Founder of Ladli Foundation) on the stage and request him to say a few words. Mr. Devendra Kumar told the audience about the important role that India is playing as the G20 meeting host and how the citizens are also responsible for a better representation of India at the global level. Further, he stated that the lack of resources is a major problem for NGOs to spread education on a pan Indian level. He further elaborated on how the development sector has been destroyed by cooperative minds and how the change in this mindset is required for proper development. After his speech, Mr. Shubhro Roy (Scenioradvicer of gypc) & Mr. Brajshrivastav (chairman of GYPC) felicitate Mr. Devendrakumar
After that, the program continued with Mr.RanjanTomar’s speech (President of NOVRA: Noida Village Resident Association). He first thanked GYPC for giving him the chance to present his views. He told us about how NGOs and the youth especially play a crucial role in transforming the nation. He also said that the youth and citizens have the responsibility to show India as a great country at the G20 summit. After that his felicitation also was done by Mr, BrajShrivastav and Mr. RanjanTomar also honored Mr. Braj and gave him a shawl and a trophy on the behalf of his NGO (NOVRA).
After that, the chief guest Mr. AnmolSovit was honorably invited by the anchor (Samiksha Shrivastav) to come on stage and say a few words. Mr. AnmolSovit chairman of the Y20 told us about the importance of the G20 summit which is going to be chaired by India and how the youth is important in contributing towards the development of a nation and for its change. After his speech, Mr. Kaushlendrapratapsingh (CEO of GYPC) & Mr. Brajshrivastav felicitate Anmol, sir.
After that, Ms. Monika Ingudam came on stage and concluded everyone’s speech in a brief manner then she started the 2nd phase of the program which was the *Chaupal segment*. She first told the meeting about the 17 development goals of the UN and then divided the meeting into 3 groups. The groups were asked for any advice or ways in which sustainable development can be promoted and how peace and wellness can be maintained and provoked. Different groups gave different ideas on how the same can be achieved some even gave very innovative ideas.
After this chaupal segment, Mr. Krishna Kumar Gupta (Founder of NSS) was invited on stage for his speech. He told how the individual is a key unit of society and also thanked the volunteers as they were the people who made this event possible.
Then many other social workers were felicitated by Mr. Anmol Sovit (chairmen of Y20) for their better contribution towards society.
Finally, Mr. KaushlendraPratap Singh( CEO of GYPC) thanked everyone for joining this event and thanked all the volunteers for their contribution towards the event and making it possible.